Our Mission
Our mission is to empower individuals to achieve their health and fitness goals through customized training, holistic wellness practices, and a supportive community. We are committed to guiding and inspiring our members on their journey towards personal strength and vitality to live healthier, stronger, and happier lives.

I Love People! I Love Life!
I want to make a difference in the lives of others. My passion is to inspire YOU to live a Strong, Healthy, and Joy-FULL life in a body you feel good in and are proud of.
I’m Andrea Hammer. I’m the creator of The MaxPAC®! I have been a Certified Health, Fitness, Nutritional, and Weight Management Professional for over 25 years, providing personalized training for individuals and communities to create and sustain “THRIVING LIVES!”

Discover Your Hidden Gift
I provide a unique experience in the Fitness and Wellness industry where people are truly understood and appreciated for who they are, the struggles they have, and the dreams they desire. If you are, sick, tired, or your spirit is broken you can’t go out in the world to DO the unique, magical thing that each of us are born to do. Your gift is hidden under your covers or lost in a medical file in your doctor’s office. The physician and the pharmacist are enjoying your vacation money instead of you! That’s a hard “Stop!” for me. I want to live my life to the fullest! And I want YOU to live yours, too!
It takes caring, and awareness of a person’s Body, Mind, and Spirt, to ignite the willingness and commitment to do the work necessary for the lasting changes you want in your life. Through effective exercise and customized nutrition, I create life enhancing experiences that bring out your greatest potential! Being focused and determined are the keys to achieving the health and fitness RESULTS that make you FEEL and LOOK Amazing! The decision and the courage to shift YOUR life comes from within YOU!
Together, We Put it Into Action!
The MaxPAC® Strength Training Program consists of science-based exercises,
fitness skills, lifestyle management, and the positive mindset needed for you to transform your life!
Fit, Strong, Healthy people are Empowered. They move with defined grace and confidence, contributing their personal value to the world.
And YOU are one of them!
The MaxPAC® Journey
After many years of strength training with regular hand-held gym equipment, I wanted something new, innovative, and FUN that would Build Muscle and Burn Fat! I wanted weight equipment that was as challenging and effective as dumbbells, weight plates, and kettlebells – yet SAFER and more comfortable to hold. I also wanted to be able to do hundreds of different exercises with them! So, I created and manufactured my own fitness product! “The MaxPAC® “Maximum Power And Core!
I had many requirements for making The MaxPAC®!
- Be Challenging and Effective
- Multi-Use for Total Body
- Comfortable GRIP (there are many way to hold and use them!)
- The Internal Weight Shifts as you move in all directions, requiring greater muscle stabilization throughout your body
- Motivational Words embedded to Inspire you!
- Bright Colors! Color sparks the ENERGY and SPIRIT within us!
Positive feelings generate a sense of aliveness that motivate us to move! - Hypo-allergenic! They won’t absorb sweat, odor, or bacteria, and they clean easily!
- Most importantly have a very low risk of injury!
I started 10 years ago making weighted packs in my garage with plastic and duct tape, then with vinyl and zippers! I filled them with dozens of materials (sand, gravel, kitty litter, potting soil, etc.) to see what would work to create a hefty challenge without the stuff falling out (which many did!). So, I hired a design engineering company and graphic team to help me bring my vision to life. I wanted to manufacture a professional gym-grade product, but how?
I prayed for Divine Intervention! Soon after, I met a fitness equipment manufacture with 30yrs experience in the business. He believed in me and my MaxPACs® and worked miracles to help me get them made. The structural design and superior-grade materials are what make them so strong and durable! After all the product development, manufacturing, shipping, and legal hurdles – I am very proud to say, The MaxPAC® is Trademarked and Patented! People are training with them here in Florida and across the country, as the newest way to GET STRONG & FIT!

The MaxPAC® is NOW OFFICIALLY PATENTED by the United States Patent and Trademark Office!
Patent # US D932,570 S
The MaxPAC® Motivational Words!
All the motivational words embedded on The MaxPAC® hold great meaning. They are the values I believe in and live by.
The mental and physical force within YOU.
The Truth and Honor by which YOU Live – even when no one is looking.
Your Determination, Discipline, and Perseverance to Reach YOUR Goals!
Your vow to be YOUR Best for Yourself, Your Family, and Humanity.

The MaxPAC® is the Total Body workout that will RE-FORM your shape, improve your over-all health and have you FEEL AMAZING in YOUR body!
Love YOUR Life and ALL that’s in it!
Get your sneakers on, Grab your water bottle, and Go have FUN!
Discover YOUR “Maximum POWER AND CORE” with The MaxPAC®!

Andrea Hammer
Owner & CEO Hammer Health & Fitness, Inc.
- Certified Fitness Instructor
- Certified Health and Wellness Coach
- Certified SeniorFIT Specialist
- Certified Fitness Nutrition Specialist
- Certified Weight Management Specialist
- HappyLife Coach®
- Creator of “The MaxPAC®” (Maximum Power and Core!) Strength and Fitness Training System